Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Radiation tags on Indian cellphones?

Cellphones Bad For Health? The Indian Gov't Thinks So.
A cellphone tower. We are so used
to the sight of this common
structure nowadays
that we do not even realize
the harmful effects the radiation
it is emitting has on us.

Image from The Indian government is trying to promote EMR awareness, because once their proposed law gets passed, all cellphones sold in India will be required to display how much electro-magnetic radiation they generate. Recently, radiation (specifically EMR) has been part of many studies, including one to do with if radiation from cellphones causes brain tumors and cancers.

To add to this proposed law, India has also wanted to lower the maximum SAR level on an Indian smartphone from the European standard, 2.0/SAR to the recent, 1.6/SAR limit set by North America. By lowering this SAR rating, India will be able to sell only smartphones that emit a considerable amount of electro-magnetic radiation. Clearly, India is projecting the message that they believe that cellphones cause illness and cancer quite strongly, as of right now, no other country has projected their message as straight forward as India's. 

I believe that North America, as well as the rest of the world, needs to take action. We cannot just sit there waiting for something to happen, or think that nothing is wrong, since there is a clear problem presented here.

Modern smart phones are becoming powerful and compressed with features, but as Postman said, every technological advancement also has an opposite setback. For example, take the new 4G networks set to roll out by 2013/14. This great technology, which allows us to transfer data almost 10 times faster than the current standard, 3G, has the disadvantage of also emitting 0.5 times more radiation. "Even handsets that meet this criterion may have to declare their SAR level, and also carry a message asking people to keep their calls or short or use SMS instead".

Overall, I just think that we need to be careful. If we don't educate ourselves, the mystery of the future could dawn down on us: we live in a technology full society with lots of dangers. EMR is one of them. Be careful. Follow me on Twitter (@em_radiation) and tune in for my next post on the dangers of EMR and it's harmful presence in our modern society. Thanks for reading! Leave a comment with your thoughts.


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